TLP has an internal dock with a 500-meter total area (100 meters long and 50 meters wide) with 17-feet depth, suitable for operations with barges and small ships.
It also has a berthing area for waiting barges, which is 100 meters long and 55 meters wide.
TLP has a mobile crane for container load and unload and any type of unpacked goods. This crane is special because it is mounted on wheels, which makes it possible to be moved without restriction. The crane has a design capacity for lifting 100 tons and for 25 movements an hour.
The container handlers are flexible equipment by definition. They allow covering big spaces in short times. Thanks to this versatile equipment, the work can be done with no restrictions in all the port area. This equipment can handle containers up to 45 tons and easily stack them at heights.
La Reach Stacker for empty containers is highly flexible, dynamic and mobile and it can meet the demand of every possible space in the port. TLP uses this equipment for its specialized operation of empty containers storage. The Reach Stacker for empty containers can handle up to 11 tons and stack containers up to 5 units high.
The forklifts are a support machine for different operations like emptying containers, handling support tools in the operation of vessels and many other applications. They are also a major machine for maintenance of the other TLP equipment. TLP has 1.2 – 2.5 – 3 and 5 ton equipment.
It has combustion equipment for general use of operations and electric equipment to be used in food storage.